Our services

Caring consulting to support your business.

Reviewing the sales. Developing current sales system. Construction of totally new sales frame. Commercial representation of a company.

If the sales of your company needs development, please contact us. Let’s first look at the current state of your sales today and after that we can start thinking about how it could be developed to totally next level. If necessary, we can develop a completely new sales framework and sales strategy for your company. Commercial representation and supporting the acquisition of customers are also possible options. 
Let´s start to develope your sales process!

Overall analysis and field testing

Do you have clear knowledge of how your company is actually doing with the sales? In many cases leaders may not know how people are operating on the field and as we know numbers won’t tell the whole truth. We will test your sales processes and based on that analysis is formed and it tells the current situation. This is how you are able to get reliable information from someone outside the organization.

Better results with marketing

Do you know how someone outside your company sees your websites or social media? Is it easy to find the needed information or make the contact that you may need when proceeding with potential customer? Have you decided what is optimal consumer target group and based on that how have you targeted marketing to them? How are you using your money to marketing? Let’s start to figure out answers to these  questions and many more. This way you can do marketing more wisely and more effectively. Most importantly potential customers will find more easily now and in future.

Sales and customer service coaching

Working sales model is vital part of daily business for most of the companies. It can have crucial effects to the operative daily based work and profitability. Sales coaching will help you to develop your sales and by doing that it will grow your annual revenue. For many experts doing sales can be something totally different from their expertise and even difficult, even though it is present in their everyday work. On the other hand, many experienced salesman can get great benefits from sales coaching. It can offer them needed update or just some new perspectives. Sales coaching can be next step after we have done overall analysis and field test. That’s how we know the current situation and where we should focus in coaching. Coaching can be modified based on your hopes and it can be arranged in face- to – face form or remotely.


Development of new customer acquisition

Perhaps you are wondering how you could reach your target customer group? Maybe you need to update your aleady existing customer acquisition system? Let's look at the situation of your customer acquisition process.

Please contact us and we will tailor the best service package for your company needs.